mardi 9 juin 2015

Microsoft Wifi Free Internet Access Around the World

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Microsoft has officially confirmed that it is working on a service called Microsoft WiFi which aims to offer international WiFi access.
Initially Microsoft WiFi was leaked after VentureBeat found a website with the same name. Since then Microsoft has confirmed that this is a project, but not given many details. The company simply said, "We look forward to sharing additional detail when available."
The service will reportedly work on more than just Windows devices as it will play nice with iPhone and Android too.
According to the website: "Don’t waste time filling forms with personal information or managing different carriers to get connected. Sign in once and you are done: you will automatically be connected to a vast range of Wi-Fi providers around the world."
It sounds very much like Microsoft is in the process of rebranding its Skype Wi-Fi offering that current supplies over two million Wi-Fi hotspots around the world.
Although this may be different to Skype as Fortune reports there will be 130 countries offering 10 million hotspots.
Free access to the service doesn't seem to be an option unless the user has bought a Microsoft service. Which service, or how much that will cost is still unclear. Although anyone with Skype Wi-Fi and Office 365 for Enterprise should be eligible first.

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